Skin and hair

Actually, it is clear, but many people are still unaware that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. Against this background, it should also be given the attention it is entitled to. Similar to the skin, the hair also performs some important functions in the body. It is therefore time to look at these two institutions in more detail.

Keeping the skin healthy has a similar importance as regular exercise and healthy eating. Fortunately, these two components automatically lead to an improvement in the skin's image.

Adequate absorption of liquid, especially pure water, is essential for a healthy, radiant skin. The same applies to collagen. Regular intake of collagen has various proven benefits for skin and hair. These include above all an improvement of   skin elasticity   and a strengthening of the hair   structure. If you can't absorb enough collagen through your diet, you'll find useful alternatives in the following.

"Being beautiful doesn't mean looking perfect. It's about loving your own individuality."

Bobbi Brown

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